Protect Your Account
At First National Bank of Absecon, we value the safety and privacy of your personal and financial information and want you to be vigilant about protecting it. So we have compiled some important online security tips to guard against fraudulent activity:
Social Media Security Tips
In addition to, here are some social media secure tips:
- The highest available level of privacy and security settings should be selected and activated on any social media site.
- No information that can be used to compromise information security should be viewable on any social media site. Such information includes the names of financial institutions, card companies, commerce websites, Internet service providers, utilities and wireless carriers with which you have accounts. This also includes personal financial information, passwords, phone numbers, email addresses, addresses and dates of significance (for example, birth dates and anniversaries).
- Accept only known and trusted individuals into your social network.
- Do not allow social media sites to scan your address book.
Checking Security Tips
Lastly, here are some secure non-online tips in regards to checks:
- Checks should not have Social Security Numbers or driver’s license numbers printed or written on them.
- Checks should not be left visible in unsecured locations.
- Checks that are to be discarded should be eliminated securely, for example by shredding, and should not be discarded in a readable form.
- Checks that are tamper resistant are available at certain financial institutions. These checks include security features such as chemically sensitive paper to deter alterations.
These suggestions and tips are for informational purposes only. They are general guidelines to help fraud victims protect their personal and financial interests. The suggestions are not all-inclusive and should not be considered, nor interpreted, as legal, accounting, financial or technical advice. You may wish to consult your attorney, accountant or other advisor for specific advice, guidance or recommendations concerning this topic.
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To learn more about how we protect your personal information, please refer to our privacy policy.